Monday, December 28, 2015

Live Nativity Pageant

Every year for who knows how many years the members of the Church here have put on a live nativity. This year some of our missionaries were involved, but most of the actors are locals.

It used to performed in an empty field where the temple now stands, but now they use the back corner of the parking lot for the stake centre. They set up chairs in the parking lot, and some people choose to stand for the short program. This year they cut the performances back to one showing a night for three nights, the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before Christmas. Tuesday night got rained out, but the crowds came out in droves on Wednesday. When a lot more people than expected showed up, the missionaries brought out more chairs, probably scrounging from all the classrooms and doubling the seating. There still weren't enough seats, so lots of people stood.

The pageant lasted about 20 minutes and then everyone was invited inside the church for cocoa and cookies, with lots of free literature for those interested in learning more about our church.

It is very simply done but tells the Christmas story in a very powerful way!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We love this time of year when people around the world unite in celebrating the birth of the Babe of Bethlehem, the Savior of the world.

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